Some Major Pharmacy Management System Features
The pharmacies require some core capabilities and functions to perform their duties effectively. Below are some of the must-have features for a Pharmacy Management System.
Report: The reports offer valuable insights into the operations in the pharmacy. It can be used to distinguish the patients who visit the pharmacy frequently for refills, and this can be used to stock accordingly.
E-prescription: The electronic prescription feature can be used by the pharmacy to manage refills and allows doctors to send the new refills directly into the pharmacy management system, allowing rapid dispensing of the medicines. Apart from this, there will be no confusion in offering the right prescription between the physician and the patient.
User Management Module:
This feature allows restricted access to various users. Access to various features can be limited for different users, for easy management. This authentication is classified into two conditions namely
Administrator User: The user can control the buying and selling process, list the medicines, view the stock and perform other tasks. The user will be able to view the pharmacy list and the pharmacy map easily. It plays an essential role in controlling the sales and stocks being processed every day.
Administrator Authentication User: The users who are authenticated can view all process including selling reports, transactions, manipulate the medicine list and the medicine stock. This feature also helps to track regular activities and generate daily accounts by utilizing the multisite software.
Medicine Management System: Add your medicine category and do its management.
Dashboard: This is the powerful dashboard. You will get all with this (Invoice Management, Medicine Management, Customer Management, Sales Report, Purchase Report, Stock Report )